State Department

Survey of Overseas Posts' Emergency Action Committees on Planning, Preparing for, and Conducting Evacuations (GAO-08-24SP), an E-supplement to GAO-08-23 Gao ID: GAO-08-24SP October 19, 2007

This document presents selected results of GAO's survey of all 243 Emergency Action Committees (EAC) at State embassies and consulates (posts) worldwide. EACs are responsible for crisis management at post and are therefore best qualified to discuss crisis management activities, including preparing for and implementing evacuations. The survey consisted of 49 questions covering a range of topics on how posts plan, prepare for, and implement evacuations, as well as how lessons learned are reported. The survey was sent to the principal officer at each post (typically the deputy chief of mission or consul general). GAO requested that the survey be completed collectively by members of a post's EAC, and completed surveys were intended to reflect the views of the EAC as a whole. We received 210 completed surveys, for an overall response rate of 86 percent. We did not include responses for all survey questions; specifically, this document does not include narrative responses that we received. The percentages in each survey response may not sum to 100 in all cases, due to rounding. A more detailed discussion of our scope and methodology is contained in our report STATE DEPARTMENT: Evacuation Planning and Preparations for Overseas Posts Can Be Improved, GAO-08-23 (Washington, D.C.: October 19, 2007). We administered the survey from January 2007 to April 2007 in accordance with generally accepted government auditing standards.

GAO-08-24SP, State Department: Survey of Overseas Posts' Emergency Action Committees on Planning, Preparing for, and Conducting Evacuations (GAO-08-24SP), an E-supplement to GAO-08-23 This is the accessible text file for GAO report number GAO-08- entitled 'State Department: Survey of Overseas Posts‘ Emergency Action Committees on Planning, Preparing for, and Conducting Evacuations (GAO- 08-24SP), an E-supplement to GAO-08-23' which was released on October 16, 2007. This text file was formatted by the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) to be accessible to users with visual impairments, as part of a longer term project to improve GAO products' accessibility. Every attempt has been made to maintain the structural and data integrity of the original printed product. Accessibility features, such as text descriptions of tables, consecutively numbered footnotes placed at the end of the file, and the text of agency comment letters, are provided but may not exactly duplicate the presentation or format of the printed version. The portable document format (PDF) file is an exact electronic replica of the printed version. We welcome your feedback. Please E-mail your comments regarding the contents or accessibility features of this document to This is a work of the U.S. government and is not subject to copyright protection in the United States. It may be reproduced and distributed in its entirety without further permission from GAO. Because this work may contain copyrighted images or other material, permission from the copyright holder may be necessary if you wish to reproduce this material separately. United States Government Accountability Office: GAO: State Department: Survey of Overseas Posts‘ Emergency Action Committees on Planning, Preparing for, and Conducting Evacuations (GAO-08-24SP), an E-supplement to GAO-08-23: Read the Full Report: State Department: Evacuation Planning and Preparations for Overseas Posts Can Be Improved (GAO-08-23). Background Information: This document presents selected results of GAO's survey of all 243 Emergency Action Committees (EAC) at State embassies and consulates (posts) worldwide. EACs are responsible for crisis management at post and are therefore best qualified to discuss crisis management activities, including preparing for and implementing evacuations. The survey consisted of 49 questions covering a range of topics on how posts plan, prepare for, and implement evacuations, as well as how lessons learned are reported. The survey was sent to the principal officer at each post (typically the deputy chief of mission or consul general). GAO requested that the survey be completed collectively by members of a post's EAC, and completed surveys were intended to reflect the views of the EAC as a whole. We received 210 completed surveys, for an overall response rate of 86 percent. We did not include responses for all survey questions; specifically, this document does not include narrative responses that we received. The percentages in each survey response may not sum to 100 in all cases, due to rounding. A more detailed discussion of our scope and methodology is contained in our report 'State Department: Evacuation Planning and Preparations for Overseas Posts Can Be Improved', GAO-08-23 (Washington, D.C.: October 19, 2007). We administered the survey from January 2007 to April 2007 in accordance with generally accepted government auditing standards. Instructions for Viewing This E-Supplement: How to View the Survey and the Summary Results: We present a blank copy of the survey as the respondent saw it during data collection. The blank copy of the survey is followed by several tables that summarize the results of the survey. Next to each question is a symbol which links to the summary table for that specific question. On the summary table, there is an arrow as well as the word Back (i.e., < Back) that provides a link back to the blank questionnaire. How to Print the Results of Surveys: To print only the page you are viewing, select ’Current Page“ from the Print menu. To print specific pages, enter the page range under ’Pages from“ on the Print menu. To print the entire document, select ’All“ from the Print menu, or simply select the Printer icon from the standard toolbar. Contact Information: If you have questions concerning these data, please contact Jess Ford at (202) 512-4268 or Copyright: This is a work of the U.S. government and is not subject to copyright protection in the United States. The published product may be reproduced and distributed in its entirety without further permission from GAO. However, because this work may contain copyrighted images or other material, permission from the copyright holder may be necessary if you wish to reproduce this material separately. [End of section] GAO-08-24SP: United States Government Accountability Office: Emergency Action Committee Survey: Introduction: The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) is a federal agency that assists the U.S. Congress in evaluating federal programs. This survey is part of a GAO review examining evacuations of post staff and dependents and American citizens requested by the House International Relations Committee, the Subcommittee on the Middle East and Central Asia, and Representative Thelma Drake. The number of authorized and ordered departures has continued to rise. U.S. embassies and consulates are required to prepare for crisis situations, including possible evacuations. The evacuation of 15,000 American citizens from Lebanon in July and August 2006 has highlighted the need for posts to notify and safely remove Americans from danger zones. Instructions: In order to complete this survey, please consult with your post‘s Emergency Action Committee (EAC) members as appropriate and return a single survey response to GAO via email. It should take about 30 minutes to complete this survey. We would greatly appreciate it if you would return the completed questions via e-mail within two weeks of receiving it. This survey can be filled out using MS-Word and returned via e-mail to [during the survey a email mailbox address appeared here] saving the file to your hard drive, double clicking this link, and attaching the file. If you prefer, you may print a copy of the survey, complete it by hand and fax it to us at [during the survey the fax number appeared here]. * Please use your mouse to navigate by clicking on the field or check box you wish to answer. * To select a check box simply click on the center of the box. * To change or deselect a check box response, simply click on the check box and the …X‘ will disappear. * To answer a question that requires that you write a comment, click on the answer field and begin typing. The box will expand to accommodate your answer. If you have any questions about the contents of this survey, please contact [during the survey the name, telephone number, and e-mail address of two GAO staff appeared here] Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Background: 1. Has your post experienced any of the following events within the past 5 years? [Check one answer per row] a. An authorized departure: No: Yes: Not Sure: b. An ordered departure: No: Yes: Not Sure: c. An incident in which post staff and dependents were instructed to remain in safe areas either at home or on the post compound: No: Yes: Not Sure: d. An evacuation of American citizens in conjunction with an authorized or ordered departure: No: Yes: Not Sure: e. A post closing: No: Yes: Not Sure: f. A threat or security warning issued through the warden system: No: Yes: Not Sure: g. A travel warning: No: Yes: Not Sure: h. Assisting other posts with any of the above [Please specify]: No: Yes: Not Sure: i. Coordinating any of the above actions at your post with other posts: No: Yes: Not Sure: j. Other emergencies involving the departure of private American citizens [Please specify]: No: Yes: Not Sure: 2. Is your current post an embassy or a consulate? Embassy: Consulate: Other [Please specify]: 3. How many individuals are currently serving on your post‘s Emergency Action Committee (EAC)? [Enter number]: 4. How many of these individuals have served on an EAC at a previous post? [Enter number]: 5. How many members on the EAC have served on the committee at this post for each of the following lengths of time? [Enter number for each row]: Less than 6 months: 6 months up to 12 months: 12 months up to 18 months: 18 months or more: Don‘t know: 6. Does your post have a ’core“ EAC of a small subset of members? No: Go to question 7. Yes: a. If yes, who are the members of this ’core“ EAC? Emergency Action Committee Member Training and Roles: 7. How useful has the EAC found each of the following in Preparing for the possibility of an evacuation? [Check one answer per row]: a. The Emergency Planning Handbook: Very useful: Somewhat useful: Not very useful: Not at all useful: No basis to judge: b. Emergency Action Plan checklists: Very useful: Somewhat useful: Not very useful: Not at all useful: No basis to judge: c. The Emergency Action Plan: Very useful: Somewhat useful: Not very useful: Not at all useful: No basis to judge: d. Crisis Management Exercises conducted at this post: Very useful: Somewhat useful: Not very useful: Not at all useful: No basis to judge: e. Crisis management training (e.g. the Security Overseas Seminar; the CLO course, including regionally-based training for CLOs; the A-100 course for new foreign service officers): Very useful: Somewhat useful: Not very useful: Not at all useful: No basis to judge: f. The report of potential evacuees known as the F-77: Very useful: Somewhat useful: Not very useful: Not at all useful: No basis to judge: g. The Transfer and Evacuation Management System (TEMS): Very useful: Somewhat useful: Not very useful: Not at all useful: No basis to judge: h. The Crisis Management Support (CMS) ’Heads Up“ package: Very useful: Somewhat useful: Not very useful: Not at all useful: No basis to judge: i. Advice from colleagues who've experienced evacuations: Very useful: Somewhat useful: Not very useful: Not at all useful: No basis to judge: j. Input from Foreign Service nationals on situations in country, including previous evacuations: Very useful: Somewhat useful: Not very useful: Not at all useful: No basis to judge: k. Other [Please specify]: 8. Which of the above has the EAC found most useful? [List only one item]: a. Why? 9. Which of the following statements best describes the preparedness of EAC members? [Check only one answer]: Staff are not aware of their responsibilities or have not made preparations under the EAP: Staff are somewhat aware of their responsibilities but need to make more preparations under the EAP: Staff are generally aware of their responsibilities and have made many preparations under the EAP: Staff are fully cognizant of their responsibilities and have made all possible preparations under the EAP: None of the above [Please describe below]: 10. On average, how frequently have EAC members been trained in or rehearsed their assigned emergency action function(s) on the EAC? [Check only one answer]: Once a year: 2 or 3 times a year: 4 or more times a year: Have never received training: a. What types of training have the EAC members received for their emergency action function? b. What types of training would you recommend for EAC members? 11. Have the EAC members received the training necessary to meet their assigned emergency responsibilities? If no, what additional training is needed? No: Yes: 12. Does the EAC have enough staff to meet its assigned emergency responsibilities? If no, what additional staff are needed? No: Yes: 13. Are adjustments needed to either the type or number of Emergency Action Functions listed in the Emergency Planning Handbook? No: Go to question 14. Yes: a. If yes, what types of adjustments are needed? Emergency Action Plan: 14. On what date did you most recently finish updating your Emergency Action Plan (EAP)? [Enter 2 digit month/4 digit year]: Have not updated plan: Go to question 16. 15. When your EAP was last updated, how many EAC members provided input? [Check only one answer]: Very few.: About one quarter: About half: About three-quarters: All or almost all: 16. How often, if ever, are drills or exercises used to test parts of the EAP related to the Drawing Down of post staff and dependents? [Check only one answer]: Weekly: Monthly: Quarterly: Every year: Every two years: Never: 17. How often, if ever, are drills or exercises used to test parts of the EAP related to the EVACUATION of PRIVATE American citizens? Weekly: Monthly: Quarterly: Every year: Every two years: Never: 18. What aspects of the EAP are most useful for draw downs and evacuations? 19. How useful is the Emergency Planning Handbook in developing your post‘s Emergency Action Plan [Check only one answer]: Very useful: Somewhat useful: Not very useful: Not at all useful: a. Why is that? [Please provide some examples]: 20. Does the Department of Defense (DOD) combatant command in your post‘s area have a copy of your post‘s most recent EAP? No: Yes: Don‘t know: 21. Has your post prepared for the following threats in its EAP? [Check one answer per row]: a. Terrorism: No: Yes: Not Sure: b. Conventional war threats: No: Yes: Not Sure: c. Protests and demonstrations: No: Yes: Not Sure: d. Other civil disorder (sectarian violence and insurgency): No: Yes: Not Sure: e. Natural disasters: No: Yes: Not Sure: f. Avian influenza outbreaks: No: Yes: Not Sure: g. Other disease outbreaks: No: Yes: Not Sure: h. Chemical, Biological, Radiological, or Nuclear (CBRN) incidents or threats: No: Yes: Not Sure: i. Other threats [Please specify]: 22. Which three of the following threats are the most likely to occur at your post? [Check only three]: Terrorism: Conventional war threats: Protests and demonstrations: Other civil disorder (sectarian violence and insurgency): Natural disasters: Avian influenza outbreaks: Other disease outbreaks: Chemical, Biological, Radiological, or Nuclear (CBRN) incidents or threats: Other threats [Please specify]: Trip Wires: 23. How comprehensively do the current trip wires cover threats that are likely to happen at this post? [Check only one answer]: Review of current tripwires reveals significant number of likely threats are unaddressed: Tripwires cover some threats but many likely threats are unaddressed: Tripwires cover most threats but some likely threats are unaddressed: Tripwires are comprehensive, addressing all likely threats: Not certain: Other (Please describe below): 24. If you indicated that some likely threats are unaddressed, which threats are those? Crisis Management Exercises: 25. On what date was the most recent Crisis Management Exercise (CME) conducted at this post? [Enter 2 digit month/4 digit year]: Have not conducted CME: Go to question 27. 26. Has your post used a CME to refine its Emergency Action Plan? No: Go to question 27. Yes: a. If yes, how useful have the CMEs been for refining the EAP? [Check only one answer]: Extremely useful: Very useful: Somewhat useful: Not very useful: Not at all useful: b. Why is that? [Please provide some examples]: Private American citizens/Warden System: 27. Has your post made the following preparations to contact private American citizens in the event of an evacuation? [Check one answer per row]: a. Established a phone tree under the warden system: No: Yes: Not viable: Not sure: b. Established and tested an email or text messaging system: No: Yes: Not viable: Not sure: c. Created a list of hotels and other locations that American citizens frequent: No: Yes: Not viable: Not sure: d. Made contacts and arrangements with local radio and other public information systems to quickly disseminate information in a time of crisis: No: Yes: Not viable: Not sure: e. Created a Web page for notifications: No: Yes: Not viable: Not sure: f. Held town hall meetings with citizens: No: Yes: Not viable: Not sure: g. Other preparations [Please specify]: No: Yes: Not viable: 28. During your post‘s preparation of a warden system, what challenges, if any, were identified that might interfere with contacting American citizens in country during a crisis? 29. How, if at all, does your post gather information to generate and verify the accuracy of estimates of the private American citizen population for the F-77? 30. On what date was the F-77 report last updated? Don‘t know: 31. How does your post know if the warden message was received? 32. How accurate or inaccurate would you say the estimate of the American citizen population was on your last F-77 report? [Check only one answer]: Very accurate: Go to question 34. Somewhat accurate: Somewhat inaccurate: Very inaccurate: Don‘t know: 33. Does the F-77 report estimate tend to over estimate or under estimate the American citizen population? [Check only one answer]: Over estimate: Under estimate: Don‘t know: Coordination with other U.S. Government agencies: 34. Has your post had any of the following types of contacts with the DOD combatant command responsible for your area? a. Discussions on crisis and evacuation planning: No: Yes: What was the date of the most recent contact? Not Sure: b. Site visit from DOD combatant command: No: Yes: What was the date of the most recent contact? Not Sure: c. Receipt of a package of maps (known as NEOPACKS) from DOD for use in evacuation planning and implementation: No: Yes: What was the date of the most recent contact? Not Sure: d. Receipt of a Noncombatant Evacuation Operation (NEO) Intelligence Support Handbook (NISH) from DOD No: Yes: What was the date of the most recent contact? Not Sure: e. Communication between the Defense Attaché and the DOD combatant command: No: Yes: What was the date of the most recent contact? Not Sure: f. Other contacts [Please specify]: No: Yes: What was the date of the most recent contact? Not Sure: 35. How much cooperation and coordination is there between your post and DOD to train and prepare for a potential Noncombatant Evacuation Operation (NEO)? [Check only one answer]: A great deal: Some: Little: None: Don‘t know: a. Why is that? [Please provide some examples]: 36. Are there comments you would like to make on coordinating with other government agencies such as the Department of Homeland Security and Health and Human Services? Coordination with host country and Embassies of other countries: 37. Has your post identified and contacted local government officials who might help facilitate evacuation of large numbers of American citizens, such as airport or seaport officials? [Check only one answer]: Identified but not contacted: Identified and contacted: Neither identified nor contacted: Don‘t know: a. How willing do you expect the local government to be to assist in such an evacuation? [Check only one answer]: Extremely willing: Very willing: Somewhat willing: Not very willing: Not at all willing: Don‘t know: b. How able do you expect the local government to be to assist in such an evacuation? Extremely able: Very able: Somewhat able: Not very able: Not at all able: Don‘t know: 38. Have any host government officials, including police, security, medical, and other first responder personnel, participated in any of the following? [Check one answer per row]: a. Advising on the development or updating of the EAP: No: Yes: Not Sure: b. Evacuation drills or exercises to test the EAP: No: Yes: Not Sure: c. Crisis Management Exercises: No: Yes: Not Sure: d. Other emergency planning [Please specify]: No: Yes: 39. During the last two years, how often has your post had discussions with other foreign missions regarding emergency evacuation planning and coordination? Monthly: Every two months: Quarterly: Annually: Never: Don‘t know: Other [Please specify]: 40. Are there standing arrangements with other foreign missions regarding emergency evacuation planning and coordination? No: Yes: Don‘t know: Contingency Plans: 41. Does your post have contingency plans for Foreign Service nationals in the event of crisis situations including draw downs of POST staff and dependents? No: Go to question 42. Yes: a. If yes, what are these plans? 42. During the last two years, how often has your current post held contingency planning workshops? Monthly: Every two months: Quarterly: Annually: Never: Go to question 43. a. What date was the last workshop held on? 43. Has the Management Officer, General Services Officer, or CLO discussed with employees and their families what options they have regarding their household members in the event of a draw down or evacuation? No: Yes: 44. Has the Management Officer, General Services Officer, or CLO discussed with employees and their families what options they have regarding their pets in the event of a draw down or evacuation? No: Yes: Lessons Learned: 45. Has your post ever received written feedback or guidance as a result of previous draw downs or evacuations from the following sources? [Check one answer per row]: a. Undersecretary for Management: No: Yes: Not Sure: b. Bureau of Diplomatic Security: No: Yes: Not Sure: c. Other Bureaus at State [Please specify]: No: Yes: Not Sure: d. Other posts: No: Yes: Not Sure: e. Other sources [Please specify]: No: Yes: 46. If you received any written feedback or guidance, how useful was it in preparing your EAP and in helping to prepare and train for possible draw downs or evacuations? [Check only one answer]: None received: Very useful: Somewhat useful: Not very useful: Not at all useful: 47. Has your post ever produced an after action report? Has not: Go to question 48. Has produced: a. If it has, what was the nature and time frame of the event the report discussed? 48. Whom on the EAC should we contact if we have follow-up questions? a. Name: b. Title: c. Organization: d. Telephone: e. E-mail address: 49. Are there any additional comments that you would like to make about your post‘s preparation for authorized and/or ordered departures of post staff and dependents or the evacuation of private American citizens? Thank you for completing the survey! Please save this file now and send an e-mail with your saved questionnaire file as an attachment to: [End of sample survey] Survey Results: 1. Has your post experienced any of the following events within the past 5 years? a. An authorized departure: No: 78%; Yes: 19%; Not sure: 3%; Number of respondents: 208. 1. Has your post experienced any of the following events within the past 5 years? b. An ordered departure: No: 89%; Yes: 10%; Not sure: 0%; Number of respondents: 206. 1. Has your post experienced any of the following events within the past 5 years? c. An incident in which post staff and dependents were instructed to remain in safe areas either at home or on the post compound: No: 65%; Yes: 32%; Not sure: 3%; Number of respondents: 209. 1. Has your post experienced any of the following events within the past 5 years? d. An evacuation of American citizens in conjunction with an authorized or ordered departure: No: 92%; Yes: 7%; Not sure: 1%; Number of respondents: 209. 1. Has your post experienced any of the following events within the past 5 years? e. A post closing: No: 88%; Yes: 11%; Not sure: 1%; Number of respondents: 208. 1. Has your post experienced any of the following events within the past 5 years? f. A threat or security warning issued through the warden system: No: 25%; Yes: 74%; Not sure: 1%; Number of respondents: 209. 1. Has your post experienced any of the following events within the past 5 years? g. A travel warning: No: 52%; Yes: 44%; Not sure: 3%; Number of respondents: 207. 1. Has your post experienced any of the following events within the past 5 years? h. Assisting other posts with any of the above: No: 68%; Yes: 30%; Not sure: 2%; Number of respondents: 206. 1. Has your post experienced any of the following events within the past 5 years? i. Coordinating any of the above actions at your post with other posts: No: 63%; Yes: 34%; Not sure: 4%; Number of respondents: 200. 1. Has your post experienced any of the following events within the past 5 years? j. Other emergencies involving the departure of private American citizens: No: 79%; Yes: 21%; Number of respondents: 195. 2. Is your current post an embassy or a consulate? Embassy: 69%; Consulate: 26%; Other: 5%; Number of respondents: 208. 3. How many individuals are currently serving on your post's Emergency Action Committee (EAC)? 0: 0%; 1-10: 30%; 11-20: 57%; More than 20: 13%; Number of respondents: 209. Non responses: 1; mean: 14; minimum: 1; maximum: 35; median: 13; Number of respondents: 209. 4. How many of these individuals have served on an EAC at a previous post? 0: 2%; 1-10: 80%; 11-20: 16%; More than 20: 2%; Number of respondents: 205. Non responses: 5; mean: 7; minimum: 0; maximum: 34; median: 7; Number of respondents: 205. 5. How many members on the EAC have served on the committee at this post for each of the following lengths of time? Less than 6 months: Non responses: 10; mean: 3; minimum: 0; maximum: 14; median: 2; Number of respondents: 200. 5. How many members on the EAC have served on the committee at this post for each of the following lengths of time? 6 months up to 12 months: Non responses: 12; mean: 4; minimum: 0; maximum: 20; median: 3; Number of respondents: 198. 5. How many members on the EAC have served on the committee at this post for each of the following lengths of time? 12 months up to 18 months: Non responses: 11; mean: 3; minimum: 0; maximum: 20; median: 2; Number of respondents: 199. 5. How many members on the EAC have served on the committee at this post for each of the following lengths of time? 18 months or more: Non responses: 13; mean: 5; minimum: 0; maximum: 25; median: 4; Number of respondents: 197. 5. How many members on the EAC have served on the committee at this post for each of the following lengths of time? Don't know: Non responses: 0; mean: 0; minimum: 0; maximum: 1; median: 0; Number of respondents: 210. 6. Does your post have a "core" EAC of a small subset of members? No: 36%; Yes: 64%; Number of respondents: 209. 7. How useful has the EAC found each of the following in Preparing for the possibility of an evacuation? a. The Emergency Planning Handbook: Very useful: 31%; Somewhat useful: 50%; Not very useful: 7%; Not at all useful: 2%; No basis to judge: 10%; Number of respondents: 209. 7. How useful has the EAC found each of the following in Preparing for the possibility of an evacuation? b. Emergency Action Plan checklists: Very useful: 53%; Somewhat useful: 37%; Not very useful: 2%; Not at all useful: 1%; No basis to judge: 7%; Number of respondents: 210. 7. How useful has the EAC found each of the following in Preparing for the possibility of an evacuation? c. The Emergency Action Plan: Very useful: 44%; Somewhat useful: 43%; Not very useful: 5%; Not at all useful: 1%; No basis to judge: 7%; Number of respondents: 210. 7. How useful has the EAC found each of the following in Preparing for the possibility of an evacuation? d. Crisis Management Exercises conducted at this post: Very useful: 65%; Somewhat useful: 22%; Not very useful: 1%; Not at all useful: 1%; No basis to judge: 11%; Number of respondents: 210. 7. How useful has the EAC found each of the following in Preparing For the possibility of an evacuation? e. Crisis management training (e.g. the Security Overseas Seminar; the CLO course, including regionally-based training for CLOs; the A-100 course for new foreign service officers): Very useful: 37%; Somewhat useful: 44%; Not very useful: 9%; Not at all useful: 2%; No basis to judge: 8%; Number of respondents: 207. 7. How useful has the EAC found each of the following in Preparing For the possibility of an evacuation? f. The report of potential evacuees known as the F-77: Very useful: 39%; Somewhat useful: 41%; Not very useful: 8%; Not at all useful: 1%; No basis to judge: 11%; Number of respondents: 209. 7. How useful has the EAC found each of the following in Preparing for the possibility of an evacuation? g. The Transfer and Evacuation Management System (TEMS): Very useful: 4%; Somewhat useful: 14%; Not very useful: 8%; Not at all useful: 0%; No basis to judge: 74%; Number of respondents: 206. 7. How useful has the EAC found each of the following in Preparing for the possibility of an evacuation? h. The Crisis Management Support (CMS) "Heads Up" package: Very useful: 9%; Somewhat useful: 21%; Not very useful: 3%; Not at all useful: 0%; No basis to judge: 66%; Number of respondents: 208. 7. How useful has the EAC found each of the following in Preparing for the possibility of an evacuation? i. Advice from colleagues who've experienced evacuations: Very useful: 56%; Somewhat useful: 32%; Not very useful: 1%; No basis to judge: 10%; Number of respondents: 207. 7. How useful has the EAC found each of the following in Preparing for the possibility of an evacuation? j. Input from Foreign Service nationals on situations in country, including previous evacuations: Very useful: 50%; Somewhat useful: 29%; Not very useful: 2%; Not at all useful: 1%; No basis to judge: 18%; Number of respondents: 210. 7. How useful has the EAC found each of the following in PREPARING for the possibility of an evacuation? k. Other: Very useful: 37%; Somewhat useful: 9%; Not very useful: 1%; No basis to judge: 53%; Number of respondents: 70. 8. Item found most useful in preparing for an evacuation: Crisis Management Exercises conducted at this post. Number of respondents: 64. 9. Which of the following statements best describes the preparedness of EAC members? Not aware: 0%; Somewhat aware: 23%; Generally aware: 65%; Fully aware: 9%; None of the above: 2%; Number of respondents: 209. 10. On average, how frequently have EAC members been trained in or rehearsed their assigned emergency action function(s) on the EAC? Once a year: 67%; 2 or 3 times a year: 18%; 4 or more times a year: 5%; Have never received training: 10%; Number of respondents: 207. 11. Have the EAC members received the training necessary to meet their assigned emergency responsibilities? No: 26%; Yes: 74%; Number of respondents: 209. 12. Does the EAC have enough staff to meet its assigned emergency responsibilities? No: 11%; Yes: 89%; Number of respondents: 210. 13. Are adjustments needed to either the type or number of Emergency Action Functions listed in the Emergency Planning Handbook? No: 84%; Yes: 16%; Number of respondents: 209. 14. On what date did you most recently finish updating your Emergency Action Plan (EAP)? Responses: 176. 15. When your EAP was last updated, how many EAC members provided input? Very few: 10%; About one quarter: 10%; About half: 21%; About three-quarters: 8%; All or almost all: 52%; Number of respondents: 184. 16. How often, if ever, are drills or exercises used to test parts of the EAP related to the drawing down of post staff and dependents? Weekly: 0%; Quarterly: 4%; Every year: 18%; Every two years: 33%; Never: 44%; Number of respondents: 210. 17. How often, if ever, are drills or exercises used to test parts of the EAP related to the evacuation of private American citizens? Weekly: 0%; Monthly: 3%; Quarterly: 4%; Every year: 18%; Every two years: 26%; Never: 50%; Number of respondents: 210. 18. What aspects of the EAP are most useful for draw downs and evacuations? Responses: 210. 19. How useful is the Emergency Planning Handbook in developing your post's Emergency Action Plan? Very useful: 43%; Somewhat useful: 47%; Not very useful: 7%; Not at all useful: 2%; Number of respondents: 207. 20. Does the Department of Defense (DOD) combatant command in your post's area have a copy of your post's most recent EAP? No: 8%; Yes: 66%; Don't know: 26%; Number of respondents: 208. 21. Has your post prepared for the following threats in its EAP? a. Terrorism: No: 2%; Yes: 98%; Number of respondents: 207. 21. Has your post prepared for the following threats in its EAP? b. Conventional war threats: No: 31%; Yes: 62%; Not sure: 7%; Number of respondents: 207. 21. Has your post prepared for the following threats in its EAP? c. Protests and demonstrations: No: 0%; Yes: 100%; Number of respondents: 207. 21. Has your post prepared for the following threats in its EAP? d. Other civil disorder (sectarian violence and insurgency): No: 10%; Yes: 89%; Not sure: 1%; Number of respondents: 207. 21. Has your post prepared for the following threats in its EAP? e. Natural disasters: No: 2%; Yes: 97%; Not sure: 1%; Number of respondents: 207. 21. Has your post prepared for the following threats in its EAP? f. Avian influenza outbreaks: No: 12%; Yes: 85%; Not sure: 3%; Number of respondents: 207. 21. Has your post prepared for the following threats in its EAP? g. Other disease outbreaks: No: 20%; Yes: 73%; Not sure: 6%; Number of respondents: 207. 21. Has your post prepared for the following threats in its EAP? h. Chemical, Biological, Radiological, or Nuclear (CBRN) incidents or threats: No: 3%; Yes: 96%; Not sure: 1%; Number of respondents: 207. 21. Has your post prepared for the following threats in its EAP? i. Other threats: No: 24%; Yes: 59%; Not sure: 16%; Number of respondents: 49. 22. Which three of the following threats are the most likely to occur at your post? (A respondent may check up to three answers): Terrorism: Not Checked: 53; Checked: 47; Number of respondents: 207. 22. Which three of the following threats are the most likely to occur at your post? (A respondent may check up to three answers): Conventional war threats: Not Checked: 94; Checked: 6; Number of respondents: 207. 22. Which three of the following threats are the most likely to occur at your post? (A respondent may check up to three answers): Protests and demonstrations: Not Checked: 19; Checked: 81; Number of respondents: 207. 22. Which three of the following threats are the most likely to occur at your post? (A respondent may check up to three answers): Other civil disorder (sectarian violence and insurgency): Not Checked: 74; Checked: 26; Number of respondents: 207. 22. Which three of the following threats are the most likely to occur at your post? (A respondent may check up to three answers): Natural disasters: Not Checked: 34; Checked: 66; Number of respondents: 207. 22. Which three of the following threats are the most likely to occur at your post? (A respondent may check up to three answers): Avian influenza outbreaks: Not Checked: 57; Checked: 43; Number of respondents: 207. 22. Which three of the following threats are the most likely to occur at your post? (A respondent may check up to three answers): Other disease outbreaks: Not Checked: 79; Checked: 21; Number of respondents: 207. 22. Which three of the following threats are the most likely to occur at your post? (A respondent may check up to three answers): Chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear (CBRN) incidents or threats: Not Checked: 92; Checked: 8; Number of respondents: 207. 22. Which three of the following threats are the most likely to occur at your post? (A respondent may check up to three answers): Other threats: Not Checked: 93; Checked: 7; Number of respondents: 207. 23. How comprehensively do the current trip wires cover threats that are likely to happen at this post? [Post responses on the number of likely threats unaddressed]: Significant number: 1%; Many: 4%; Some: 15%; None: 74%; Not certain: 4%; Other: 2%; Number of respondents: 209. 24. If you indicated that some likely threats are unaddressed, which threats are those? Responses: 210. 25. On what date was the most recent Crisis Management Exercise (CME) conducted at this post? Responses: 188. 26. Has your post used a CME to refine its Emergency Action Plan? No: 28%; Yes: 72%; Number of respondents: 197. 26. Has your post used a CME to refine its Emergency Action Plan? a. If yes, how useful have the CMEs been for refining the EAP? Extremely useful: 27%; Very useful: 49%; Somewhat useful: 23%; Not at all useful: 1%; Number of respondents: 142. 27. Has your post made the following preparations to contact private American citizens in the event of an evacuation? a. Established a phone tree under the warden system: No: 18%; Yes: 66%; Not viable: 15%; Not sure: 0%; Number of respondents: 207. 27. Has your post made the following preparations to contact private American citizens in the event of an evacuation? b. Established and tested an email or text messaging system: No: 3%; Yes: 94%; Not viable: 2%; Not sure: 0%; Number of respondents: 208. 27. Has your post made the following preparations to contact private American citizens in the event of an evacuation? c. Created a list of hotels and other locations that American citizens frequent: No: 14%; Yes: 78%; Not viable: 7%; Not sure: 1%; Number of respondents: 208. 27. Has your post made the following preparations to contact private American citizens in the event of an evacuation? d. Made contacts and arrangements with local radio and other public information systems to quickly disseminate information in a time of crisis: No: 27%; Yes: 57%; Not viable: 11%; Not sure: 6%; Number of respondents: 207. 27. Has your post made the following preparations to contact private American citizens in the event of an evacuation? e. Created a Web page for notifications: No: 11%; Yes: 86%; Not viable: 2%; Not sure: 1%; Number of respondents: 207. 27. Has your post made the following preparations to contact private American citizens in the event of an evacuation? f. Held town hall meetings with citizens: No: 16%; Yes: 77%; Not viable: 4%; Not sure: 2%; Number of respondents: 208. 27. Has your post made the following preparations to contact private American citizens in the event of an evacuation? g. Other preparations: No: 31%; Yes: 63%; Not viable: 7%; Number of respondents: 70. 28. During your post's preparation of a warden system, what challenges, if any, were identified that might interfere with contacting American citizens in country during a crisis? Responses: 210. 29. How, if at all, does your post gather information to generate and verify the accuracy of estimates of the private American citizen population for the F-77? Responses: 209. 30. On what date was the F-77 report last updated? Responses: 178. 31. How does your post know if the warden message was received? Responses: 210. 32. How accurate or inaccurate would you say the estimate of the American citizen population was on your last F-77 report? Very accurate: 18%; Somewhat accurate: 69%; Somewhat inaccurate: 8%; Very inaccurate: 2%; Don't know: 3%; Number of respondents: 207. 33. Does the F-77 report estimate tend to over estimate or under estimate the American citizen population? Over estimate: 24%; Under estimate: 50%; Don't know: 26%; Number of respondents: 169. 34. Has your post had any of the following types of contacts with the DOD combatant command responsible for your area? a. Discussions on crisis and evacuation planning: No: 30%; Yes: 60%; Not sure: 10%; Number of respondents: 207. 34. Has your post had any of the following types of contacts with the DOD combatant command responsible for your area? b. Site visit from DOD combatant command: No: 30%; Yes: 57%; Not sure: 13%; Number of respondents: 207. 34. Has your post had any of the following types of contacts with the DOD combatant command responsible for your area? c. Receipt of a package of maps (known as NEOPACKS) from DOD for use in evacuation planning and implementation: No: 49%; Yes: 37%; Not sure: 14%; Number of respondents: 207. 34. Has your post had any of the following types of contacts with the DOD combatant command responsible for your area? d. Receipt of a Noncombatant Evacuation Operation (NEO) Intelligence Support Handbook (NISH) from DOD: No: 62%; Yes: 16%; Not sure: 22%; Number of respondents: 205. 34. Has your post had any of the following types of contacts with the DOD combatant command responsible for your area? e. Communication between the Defense Attaché and the DOD combatant command: No: 17%; Yes: 67%; Not sure: 16%; Number of respondents: 205. 34. Has your post had any of the following types of contacts with the DOD combatant command responsible for your area? f. Other contacts: No: 32%; Yes: 50%; Not sure: 18%; Number of respondents: 104. 35. How much cooperation and coordination is there between your post and DOD to train and prepare for a potential Noncombatant Evacuation Operation (NEO)? A great deal: 12%; Some: 25%; Little: 29%; None: 28%; Don't know: 7%; Number of respondents: 206. 36. Are there comments you would like to make on coordinating with other government agencies such as the Department of Homeland Security and Health and Human Services? Responses: 210. 37. Has your post identified and contacted local government officials who might help facilitate evacuation of large numbers of American citizens, such as airport or seaport officials? Identified but not contacted: 25%; Identified and contacted: 74%; Neither identified nor contacted: 1%; Don't know: 0%; Number of respondents: 208. 37. Has your post identified and contacted local government officials who might help facilitate evacuation of large numbers of American citizens, such as airport or seaport officials? a. How willing do you expect the local government to be to assist in such an evacuation: Extremely willing: 29%; Very willing: 40%; Somewhat willing: 24%; Not very willing: 5%; Don't know: 3%; Number of respondents: 208. 37. Has your post identified and contacted local government officials who might help facilitate evacuation of large numbers of American citizens, such as airport or seaport officials? b. How able do you expect the local government to be to assist in such an evacuation: Extremely able: 14%; Very able: 21%; Somewhat able: 38%; Not very able: 23%; Not at all able: 4%; Don't know: 0%; Number of respondents: 209. 38. Have any host government officials, including police, security, medical, and other first responder personnel, participated in any of the following? a. Advising on the development or updating of the EAP: No: 72%; Yes: 22%; Not sure: 7%; Number of respondents: 209. 38. Have any host government officials, including police, security, medical, and other first responder personnel, participated in any of the following? b. Evacuation drills or exercises to test the EAP: No: 65%; Yes: 32%; Not sure: 4%; Number of respondents: 209. 38. Have any host government officials, including police, security, medical, and other first responder personnel, participated in any of the following? c. Crisis Management Exercises: No: 62%; Yes: 33%; Not sure: 5%; Number of respondents: 208. 38. Have any host government officials, including police, security, medical, and other first responder personnel, participated in any of the following? d. Other emergency planning: No: 35%; Yes: 65%; Number of respondents: 139. 39. During the last two years, how often has your post had discussions with other foreign missions regarding emergency evacuation planning and coordination? Monthly: 3%; Every two months: 4%; Quarterly: 19%; Annually: 31%; Never: 18%; Don't know: 8%; Other: 17%; Number of respondents: 208. 40. Are there standing arrangements with other foreign missions regarding emergency evacuation planning and coordination? No: 49%; Yes: 42%; Don't Know: 10%; Number of respondents: 209. 41. Does your post have contingency plans for Foreign Service nationals in the event of crisis situations including draw downs of POST staff and dependents? No: 53%; Yes: 47%; Number of respondents: 207. 42. During the last two years, how often has your current post held contingency planning workshops? Monthly: 2%; Quarterly: 6%; Annually: 35%; Never: 57%; Number of respondents: 208. 42. During the last two years, how often has your current post held contingency planning workshops? a. What date was the last workshop held on: Responses: 83. 43. Has the Management Officer, General Services Officer, or CLO discussed with employees and their families what options they have regarding their household members in the event of a draw down or evacuation? No: 57%; Yes: 43%; Number of respondents: 208. 44. Has the Management Officer, General Services Officer, or CLO discussed with employees and their families what options they have regarding their pets in the event of a draw down or evacuation? No: 62%; Yes: 38%; Number of respondents: 208. 45. Has your post ever received written feedback or guidance as a result of previous draw downs or evacuations from the following sources? a. Undersecretary for Management: No: 54%; Yes: 31%; Not Sure: 16%; Number of respondents: 199. 45. Has your post ever received written feedback or guidance as a result of previous draw downs or evacuations from the following sources? b. Bureau of Diplomatic Security: No: 54%; Yes: 33%; Not Sure: 13%; Number of respondents: 200. 45. Has your post ever received written feedback or guidance as a result of previous draw downs or evacuations from the following sources? c. Other Bureaus at State: No: 56%; Yes: 25%; Not Sure: 19%; Number of respondents: 182. 45. Has your post ever received written feedback or guidance as a result of previous draw downs or evacuations from the following sources? d. Other posts: No: 59%; Yes: 25%; Not Sure: 16%; Number of respondents: 191. 45. Has your post ever received written feedback or guidance as a result of previous draw downs or evacuations from the following sources? e. Other sources: No: 82%; Yes: 18%; Number of respondents: 123. 46. If you received any written feedback or guidance, how useful was it in preparing your EAP and in helping to prepare and train for possible draw downs or evacuations? None received: 45%; Very useful: 26%; Somewhat useful: 25%; Not very useful: 3%; Not at all useful: 1%; Number of respondents: 179. 47. Has your post ever produced an after action report? Has not: 82%; Has produced: 18%; Number of respondents: 205. 49. Are there any additional comments that you would like to make about your post's preparation for authorized and/or ordered departures of post staff and dependents or the evacuation of private American citizens? Responses: 210. [End of survey results]

The Justia Government Accountability Office site republishes public reports retrieved from the U.S. GAO These reports should not be considered official, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Justia.