Nuclear Waste

Information on the Reracking of the Diablo Canyon Spent Fuel Storage Pools Gao ID: RCED-88-79FS February 8, 1988

In response to a congressional request, GAO provided information on the proposed plan by a utility company to replace the existing spent-fuel storage racks at the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant.

GAO found that: (1) the utility company applied to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) for a license amendment to increase by 5 times its storage pool capacity because of inadequate space; (2) NRC approved the amendment without public hearings because it determined that no significant hazard was involved; and (3) in response to a suit brought by three local interest groups, a federal court held that NRC improperly approved the amendment. GAO also found that: (1) NRC reissued the company's license amendment after it determined that the concerns raised by the interest groups were without merit; (2) the litigants requested a further delay of the reracking pending the outcome of their federal appeals; and (3) the court refused to delay the reracking process and, as of January 1988, the appeal proceedings had not been completed.

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