Proposal To Establish a Statutory Inspector General Within the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Gao ID: T-OSI-88-4 April 26, 1988GAO discussed the adequacy of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC) Office of Inspector and Auditor's (OIA) recent probes into alleged staff misconduct. GAO noted that: (1) OIA failure to provide guidance to NRC management regarding a high-level supervisor-employee conflict caused significant disruption in senior officials' performance of their duties; (2) OIA failure to interview a party to an alleged wrongful conversation caused undue criticism and allegations of misconduct against a senior official; and (3) NRC selected an office charged with allegations of impropriety to investigate itself. GAO believes that NRC has a critical need for a: (1) more independent audit and internal investigative unit; and (2) statutory inspector general for greater oversight of NRC activities.