Proposal To Reorganize NRC
Gao ID: T-RCED-88-37 April 27, 1988GAO discussed the proposed Nuclear Regulation Reorganization and Reform Act of 1988, which would: (1) establish a Nuclear Safety Agency to assume the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC) functions; (2) make one administrator accountable for nuclear regulation; and (3) create an inspector general and a Nuclear Reactor Safety Investigations Board to ensure adequate consideration of programmatic, technical, and public health and safety issues. GAO noted that it generally supported the legislation, since: (1) the current NRC organizational structure has resulted in slow or indecisive actions regarding policy and safety issues; and (2) other regulatory agencies generally benefited from the organizational structure the legislation proposed. GAO also noted that the proposed legislation should also ensure the: (1) board's independence, technical expertise, ability to determine the scope of work, authority to report its findings and recommendations to agency heads, and public access to the findings; and (2) continuation of existing advisory panels and committees to provide expertise and technical advice to the administrator.