Postal Service
Labor-Management Relations and Customer Services at the Simi Valley, California, Post Office Gao ID: GGD-88-44 March 3, 1988Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO reviewed labor-management relations and customer service at the Simi Valley, California, Post Office.
8AO found that labor-management and customer service problems existed at the facility before November 1986, because: (1) employees, union officials, and managers believed that working relationships were tense and stressful; (2) employees believed that supervisors harassed them and treated them disrespectfully; (3) management failed to promptly and directly resolve employee grievances, hold required formal labor-management meetings, or perform functions directly affecting employee welfare and morale; (4) the quality of customer service was declining; and (5) customer complaints were increasing. GAO also found that, in November 1986, the facility management changed, resulting in marked improvement in both labor-management relations and the quality of customer service.